gatling foreach example

LoadView allows users to carry out all your performance tasks in cloud. gatling_1 | at io.gatling.core.action.BlockExit.exitBlock(BlockExit.scala:37) .param(""id"", """") ), val headers_52 = Map( This articles give you tool to make your load tests even more realistic and meaningful. This website stores cookies on your computer. .headers(headers_54) You have now downloaded Gatling and just run your first script. This method is useful for the request with small request bodies. You can directly configure API and can instantly execute performance tests. ) .headers(headers_31) .param(""customFields[purpose]"", Visit to Everything Just A Buck ${DAY}"") ) Performance engineers are standing by you to guide with the setups, scripting, and testing process if necessary. ), val headers_2 = Map( Now, open Gatling recorder and browse to the Gatling bin directory. And that may be too much of effort along with carrying out tests. If-None-Match "40ec2-208a4-4ddf06a7579ff""" HAR Converter which converts an HTTP archive file. We saw in the previous blog post how to extract values from a CSV File using a Gatling Feeder . Accept "/""", Why: because Gatling uses JAVA to run. ) ), val headers_14 = Map( import bootstrap._ Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled,, Debugging this script in Kraken shows us that only the DOGS pets are browsed sequentially: Now we simulate the behavior of a visitor that is looking for a pet for his children. If-None-Match "401ff-47e-4ddf06a6f3487""" .check( import com.excilys.ebi.gatling.http.Predef._ If-None-Match "407c6-909-4ddf06a73ff17""" This chapter explains the various possibilities offered by Gatling to simulate pauses: Lets start by updating our script to add a fixed pause statement after each request (Download Script): The .pause() Gatling DSL component takes a duration in parameter: Debugging the updated script in Kraken shows the delays between teh requests (Date column): Thats perfect for simulating realistic users at runtime, but its annoying to have to wait for the longer script executing when debugging . If-Modified-Since Thu, 30 May 2013 14:35:55 GMT"", session => (Tenured faculty), Use Raster Layer as a Mask over a polygon in QGIS, Review invitation of an article that overly cites me and the journal, Dystopian Science Fiction story about virtual reality (called being hooked-up) from the 1960's-70's, New external SSD acting up, no eject option, 12 gauge wire for AC cooling unit that has as 30amp startup but runs on less than 10amp pull. .pause(184 milliseconds) If-Modified-Since Thu, 30 May 2013 14:35:54 GMT"", Gatling also provides good learning tutorials. Out of curiosity he will check one random pet from every remaining category. Change the recorder mode to HAR converter. ), val headers_24 = Map( X-Requested-With XMLHttpRequest"" ), val headers_8 = Map( With 2.2.2 (with the denvazh/gatling:2.2.2 docker image) it goes mad and outputs that: .exec(http(request_17) We are going to navigate to the LoadView website and click on About Us. .exec(http(request_7) ) By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. gatling_1 | at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.implWrite( Real polynomials that go to infinity in all directions: how fast do they grow? Now you can start record the scenario you need to do performance testing by accessing it in any browser. First, you don't look like a Scala developper. Gatling has dedicated configurations that can be put on the setUp: exponentialPauses, normalPausesWithStdDevDuration, normalPausesWithPercentageDuration, and uniformPausesPlusOrMinusPercentage. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. ) And how to capitalize on that? However, I'm unable to actually access the values in button_list. ), val headers_12 = Map( Returns the number of elements in the productIds list. ) .headers(headers_16) We can see in the sample code above that an exec(session => {}) statement is used to: This statement only modifies the session. The first one simulates a really interested visitor that will look at each product of the current category. gatling_1 | at ) gatling group actions in foreach into parallel chunks. For the purposes of this, article, we are going to show a demo of the Gatling recorder. If sum is less than 100%, users that wont fall into one of the chains will simply exit the switch and continue. Accept "/""", There are two main ways to create performance test scripts in Gatling either from writing up the code. .exec(http(request_25) .headers(headers_17) Start your LoadView trial today! I have an section of my gatling script that I want to repeat about 30 times, I want have a counter for each time it loops and use that counter. If-None-Match "407c7-acdf-4ddf06a73ff17""" This method is useful for the request with small . Use the snapshot for now. The first solution is to shuffle the productIds list beforehand using a transform: Here we update the categoryRequest to apply transform(productIds => util.Random.shuffle(productIds)) on the extracted list. .exec(http(request_9) You must use the Gatling Session API. gatling_1 | at io.gatling.core.action.SessionHook$lambda$$execute$1.apply(SessionHook.scala:38) ), val headers_31 = Map( ) .get(https://server1/resources/img/logo-with-header.jpg) Passing 0 as the DELAY environment variable will also completely deactivate think times here. .pause(45 milliseconds) .param(""password"", 1"") You have just performed a load test with LoadView. .param(""distance"", 0"") ), val headers_19 = Map( .check( Once you have gone through official Gatling documentation and set your environment with the required prerequisites, we will start the installation. Since we are using Windows, we will use Gatling.bat. Why hasn't the Attorney General investigated Justice Thomas? for example wnat to loop through the below code 30 times and use the counter to replace the day in the date. Thanks for the amazing content on gatling. .check( You can also schedule your load test for later time. The corresponding script (download here) is as follows: The doIfOrElse statement takes a function in parameter that must return a boolean: (session: Session) => boolean. The repeat loop is the most simple one. .exec(http(request_8) Similar to asLongAsDuring but the condition is evaluated after the loop. If-None-Match "40ec3-a9c23-4ddf06a7585b7""" This similar sample works fine for me. Cache-Control max-age=0"", .headers(headers_50) Once users are done with the switch, they simply continue with the rest of the scenario. .headers(headers_25) Here, we are going to show you how you can do that with Fiddler. You have to add an extra exec step after your request, but inside the loop that would fetch from the Session the previously stored accumulator and what was saved by the check in the current iteration, and push the result back into the Session. If you need dynamic pauses, you can use a session function in parameter: .pause(session => session("dynamicPause").as[Duration]). Further script modification and simulation information can be learned through the Gatling setup documentation. ) By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Also, we can add/delete unwanted requests from HAR file. It is done by extracting one random product Id from the list of productIds present in the session before executing one single productRequest. .param(""toLocationId"", 1027"") These are like this: I'm using split(",") to extract the individual items and saving it into Seq inside session. .check( .param(""fromLocationAddress"", 1615 Alexander Ln, Grants Pass, OR 97527, USA"") ) How to check if an SSM2220 IC is authentic and not fake? contains the pairs of matching values/execution chains. I am able to see the response correctly on the gatling , however, how to save these files (.csv or .pdf) in the physical drive on the windows machine. .pause(25 milliseconds) .check( Lets see how we inject the category IDs: Here the .foreach statement takes the csvRecords variable in parameter. So basically, my scenario looks like that: .get(https://server1/scripts/prototype.js) Many of Scalas design decisions are aimed to address criticisms of Java programming language. ) The recorder will intercept the communication between your browser and server. Real-time load test graphical data will be available under the Execution Plan. And the .foreach DSL component takes a Sequence in parameter, not a Feeder. Cache-Control max-age=0"" .get(https://server1/resources/2b6c732475f91ffbb3899572fe8af89f.css) gatling_1 | at io.gatling.core.action.SessionHook.execute(SessionHook.scala:38) .exec(http(request_58) If you decline, your information wont be tracked when you visit this website. Content Discovery initiative 4/13 update: Related questions using a Machine How do you get the index of the current iteration of a foreach loop? It takes a string in parameter that is evaluated as the current Category ID thanks to Expression Language: "${categoryId}". X-Requested-With XMLHttpRequest"" ) If-Modified-Since Thu, 30 May 2013 14:35:55 GMT"", Accept text/css,/;q=0.1"", Once you have done all the steps, click on the Start button to create the Gatling script. The "${categoryId}" syntax uses Expression Language to directly fetch the value from the session. If-None-Match "407ee-39f8-4ddf06a741687""" Passing 0 as the DELAY environment variable will completely deactivate think times. In the following sections, we will show you a demo of LoadView, starting from scripting to report generation. ), val headers_11 = Map( .check( But real users think before they click! ), val headers_23 = Map( ) You can install Gatling and configure its encoding using the gatling.conf file. .pause(42 milliseconds), .exec(http(request_36) So we need to load the complete file records with the readRecords statement: Then, for more clarity, we declare separate variables to store the requests to the Category page and to the Product page: We declared the categoryRequest such that it needs a categoryId value in the session: gatling_1 | at This JVM base allows Gatling to work cross-platform, providing one of its most notable advantages in load testing. Cache-Control max-age=0"", LoadView supports adding context parameters, delays, correlations, etc. Another dedicated Gatling keyword - flattenMapIntoAttributes - extracts this categoryId entry in the Gatling Session, allowing us to use it directly within Expression Language thereafter: "${categoryId}". You need extensive knowledge of Scala for writing scripts. .get(https://server1/layouts/marketing/img/nav-module-sprite.jpg) HTTP Proxy mode which captures all the traffic from your browser for a proxy. You can remove that tracker request as well. Supported formats are gzip and zip (but archive must contain only one single file). Double-click Launch Gatling Recorder. Accept text/css,/;q=0.1"", Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. .exec(http(request_5) .headers(headers_42) .pause(90 milliseconds) Percentages should be formatted as following: 50% -> 50, 33.3% -> 33.3 and so on. Similar to randomSwitch, but dispatch uses a round-robin strategy. You must use specific DSL components like the .forEach () or .doIfOrElse () for loops and conditions instead of native if or foreach expressions. There are lot unique features which Gatling offers compare to other performance testing tools in the market today. For example, when using the Gatling HTTP module you would write the following line: Kotlin Scala scenario("Scenario") .exec(http("Home").get("")); ChainBuilder chain = exec(http("Home").get("")); exec(http("Home").get("")) .exec(http("Enterprise").get("")); Cache-Control max-age=0"", If-None-Match "40ec2-208a4-4ddf06a7579ff""" Accept text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8"" And that is it. Gatling provides: a Java DSL, introduced in Gatling 3.7, that can also be used in Kotlin; the original Scala DSL; When picking a language for using Gatling, we recommend the following rule: if your target Gatling users are Scala developers, use Scala; if they are Kotlin developers, use Kotlin; otherwise, use Java Here you have two options for download. LoadView is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dotcom-Monitor, Inc. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Licensed Patents| Sitemap, Gatling is an open-source tool for performance and stress testing that is well worth adding to your personal tool knowledge repository. Cache-Control max-age=0"", for example wnat to loop through the below code 30 times and use the counte .headers(headers_15) .post(https://server1/userportal/trips/save) .check( Youre running into, which is already fixed. .exec(http(request_10) Similar to randomSwitch, but with a fallback if no switch is selected (i.e. First things first, lets go ahead and download Gatling from their website. .param(""fromLocationDetectedMilliseconds"", 1370460506342"") Similar to doSwitch, but with a fallback if no switch is selected. Your code is broken. Major advantages of Gatling is that it can generate so much load from a single machine, especially if you are running Gatling in a continuous integrated environment. .get(https://server1/userportal/resources/fonts/proximanova-regular-webfont.woff) This time the DELAY env variable is injected as a Long value, with the following syntax (dont forget the .toLong statement at the end, used to convert a Java Long into a Scala Long value): Using a Long is mandatory because the .customPauses(session => delay) DSL component requires a Long value: It takes a function in parameter, with the following signature: (session: Long) => Long. So the Virtual User will loop over the same sequence. To find out more about the cookies we use, see our, // directly created and stored in a reference, // displays the content of the session in the console (debugging only), // with a new "foo" attribute whose value is "bar", // just creates a dandling component, doesn't produce any effect, // with a Gatling EL string resolving to a number of seconds or a java.time.Duration, // with a function that returns a java.time.Duration, // with a scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration, // with a Gatling EL string resolving to a number of seconds or a scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration, // with a function that returns a scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration, // will be run every 5 seconds, irrespective of what pause time is used, // with a Gatling EL string resolving an Int, // with a Gatling EL string resolving a duration, // with a Gatling EL string resolving to a boolean, // with a Gatling EL string resolving a boolean, // with a Gatling EL string resolving to a boolean and an int duration, // executed if the session value stored in "actual" is equal to "expectedValue", // executed if the session value stored in "actual" equals to "expectedValue", // executed if the session value stored in "actual" is not equal to "expectedValue". How do two equations multiply left by left equals right by right? X-Requested-With XMLHttpRequest"" What screws can be used with Aluminum windows? Follow the same steps to execute a performance test using Gatling. If you are using Google Chrome for creating your HAR file, it will be very tough to clean unwanted requests. Compared to the process with Gatling, we think you will see it is much more efficient and easier. This is the reference of the different components available to write scenarios with Gatling. exec(http(request_42) Cache-Control max-age=0"", To start the Gatling recorder, browse to the Gatling bin directory and run the recorder.bat for Windows and for Mac/Linux. .exec(http(request_3) .acceptHeader(image/png,image/;q=0.8,/*;q=0.5) .exec(http(request_26) The recording is now started. .headers(headers_23) .param(""commuteDistance"", """") This can be shared with your team and various internal stakeholders. You must use the Gatling Session API. .exec(http(request_43) .queryParam(""startDate"", 2013-06-05"") As we did not add any form of think-time when writing our scripts, executing them will simulate far too many request for a realistic load (given a fixed number of concurrent users). Apache, This one of the best features about LoadView. If-Modified-Since Thu, 30 May 2013 14:35:54 GMT"", ) Download the Java 8 JDK (64 bit) package from Oracle and run the program to kick off the installation process. Let us discuss some of the Gatling recorder options. Accept "/""", (Tenured faculty). ), val headers_18 = Map( Cache-Control max-age=0"", .pause(81 milliseconds) To reproduce this behavior, the pause method is used. .get(https://server1/userportal/resources/css/userportal.css) .check( gatling_1 | at scala.Console$.println(Console.scala:148) .get(https://server1/layouts/marketing/img/corner4.gif) Accept text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8"", If-Modified-Since Thu, 30 May 2013 14:35:54 GMT"", session}. ) Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"", If-Modified-Since Thu, 30 May 2013 14:35:54 GMT"", .check( import com.excilys.ebi.gatling.http.Headers.Names._ In the previous blog post we created a realistic Virtual User that browses the store without buying . ), val headers_10 = Map( Gatling DSL components are merely definitions, directly created, so they can be passed as parameters, stored in constants, etc, attached to another component in this section. These scripts are targeted to the Gatling test site. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. The Array#forEach() function is a common tool tool to iterate through arrays. .body (StringBody (string: Expression [String])) //here argument string can be a raw String, a Gatling EL String, or an Expression function. Anyways, it is good to have a basic understanding of the technology behind Gatling. Dear Team, } Share We can configure whether to follow redirects, output folder, remove cache headers, etc. There are two recording modes in Gatling. I have to automate download file scenario, where the files are dynamically generated on the browser after download request. There is a simpler way to do it using advanced Expression Language! Leave everything else as default and click Start ! The second best solution is to update the productId computing part to use a random number generator (Download script here: util.Random.nextInt(max) returns a random Integer that is equal or superior to 0 and strictly inferior to max. Similar to randomSwitch, but with an uniform distribution amongst chains. The second parameter is the name of the current value. We create a foreach loop and assign the saved value to another variable and make another get request. .exec(http(request_11) You only need to script the user actions on the page using the built-in recorder and set up a load pattern. You can see and open this file using any text editor, or by using any developer tool. LoadView is a cloud-based load testing solution that allows users to test their websites and applications in a shorter amount of time, without having to have a background in programming. .param(""toLocationLatitude"", 40.779146"") Recorded script details are visible in the screen below the recorder. .get(https://server1/resources/fcb9dbfd662b6128f2c6611a65a3fbfe.js) If your test condition is simply to compare two values, you can simply use doIfEquals: Similar to doIf, but with a fallback if the condition evaluates to false. Indeed, taking 1 hours to read the rest of the doc would be very beneficial. val doubleDelay = 2*delay simply computes the double of this delay. gatling_1 | at io.gatling.core.action.SessionHook$lambda$$execute$1.apply(SessionHook.scala:38) Select Web Applications. .queryParam(""startDate"", 2013-06-1"") Any action that will be executed will be called with exec. .get(https://server1/favicon.ico) .exec(http(request_34) .param(""tripDay"", 2013-05-${nameOfTheCounter}"") ) If-None-Match "40ecd-e3b3-4ddf06a75899f""" As the value is stored in the Gatling session, you can load it with the syntax session("category") or more easily with Expression Language "${category}". gatling_1 | at io.gatling.core.action.Loop.$bang(Loop.scala:36) Learn more JDK8 and installation requirements. .pause(768 milliseconds) Repeat the loop for each element in the specified sequence. We will get a message that the HAR file is successfully converted into a Gatling simulation. .get(https://server1/layouts/marketing/img/footer-fade.gif) If-Modified-Since Mon, 03 Jun 2013 08:59:20 GMT"" My problem is that after the first iteration of during is done, I have multiple un-wanted behaviors: Its not possible to chain a during with other stuff to do after? We just need to replace the static values by our created values delay and doubleDelay: All pauses are now using durations in milliseconds. X-Requested-With XMLHttpRequest"" .exec(http(request_51) .check( Once everything is configured, click on the Start Test Now button. Finding valid license for project utilizing AGPL 3.0 libraries. Name your device and continue with setting up your device. LoadView will automatically start the execution at your scheduled time and the reports will be delivered to the email address you provided. .pause(450 milliseconds) To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. .exec(http(request_49) This is not mentioned on the "Advanced Tutorial" page at all! Not the answer you're looking for? The first option to parameterize think-times is to uses variables in directly in the .pause statements of the scenario. In Kraken this is easily done in the execution dialog: If you run Gatling directly, this can by done by updating the JAVA_OPTS environment variable: JAVA_OPTS="-DDELAY=500". So, looks like a bug within the 2.2.2 image. For instance, if a previous request execution has saved a Set of values with .check(regex("""categoryId=(. .exec(http(request_30) Once you have completed and replayed the recording, you can further enhance the scripts based on the additional logic required. .post(https://server1/system/login.php) .exec(http(request_16) Beautiful. Please return to the page and try again. ) Scala sbt testOnly,scala,sbt,scalatest,Scala,Sbt,Scalatest, import org.scalatest.FlatSpec scala.collection.mutable Tags101SpecFlatSpec{ """"{ val stack=new mutable.stack[Int] 1 2 stack.pop==2 stack.pop . But when debugging it there is 1 second between requests dates: Use a forever loop that encapsulate your scenario if you want to apply iteration pacing. It does not have its own solution, rather it integrates with your existing solutions. This article will show you how to use JSONPath in Gatling tests. .queryParam(""maxResults"", 5"") ) .get(https://server1/userportal/resources/fonts/proximanova-semibold-webfont.woff) You can also see that information from LoadView console. Give a few minutes for the load injectors to to start. randomSwitch can be used to emulate simple Markov chains. .get(https://server1/resources/img/icons-sprite.gif) Add a switch in the chain. If the env variable is not defined, the 500 default value is used. .headers(headers_1) - SystemSimulation.scala .post( .headers(headers_20) .get(https://server1/layouts/marketing/img/hero.jpg) If you are really interested to learn advance level Gatling, I would suggest you learning Scala. Congratulations! gatling_1 | at sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Encoder.encodeLoop( .param(""fromLocationId"", 40980"") .headers(headers_52) Under the HAR File section, browse to the location of the HAR file you generated in step 5. Those functions are executed in Gatlings shared threads, so you must absolutely avoid performing long blocking operations in there, such as remote API calls. The HAR Converter is preferred since it gives you more control and has a lot less overhead with the recording setup. // beware: use parentheses, not curly braces! E.g. .check( .get(https://server1/userportal/resources/images/fallback_bg_navicon.png) Spellcaster Dragons Casting with legendary actions? The complete script for this For Each DSL component is downloadable here. If-None-Match "41b06-1faca-4ddf06a78ae4f""" Fiddler is more suitable for our needs since we can modify our request. It is lightweight and can run thousands of virtual users on a single machine compare to other performance testing tools. .pause(5) .headers(headers_23) In Gatling, the pacing is not configured at the iteration level but inside a loop, any loop. Is there a reason for C#'s reuse of the variable in a foreach? .param(""toLocationPersonLocationId"", 2092"") For the purposes of this article, we will cover a few of the key features and benefits of Gatling. .headers(headers_21) Ive tried to put the during inside an exec by itself, but it didnt help. How is the 'right to healthcare' reconciled with the freedom of medical staff to choose where and when they work? If-None-Match "407c5-4da-4ddf06a73ff17""" .param(""toLocationAddress"", 3300 Broadway St, Eureka, CA 95501, USA"") .pause(25 milliseconds) .exec(http(request_52) But first we need to inject the environment variable into our script. .exec(http(request_53) For the basic version to run, you need to have a JDK installed. .pause(20 milliseconds) Gatling? Your execution will start instantly. It follows our second Gatling Simulation scripts parameterization article. It just prints the summary report every 5 seconds with no new query in it. Integer env variables can be retrieved with the following syntax: val delay = Integer.getInteger("DELAY", 500) fetches the DELAY environment variable and places its value in the delay val. Gatling is a load testing tool which can be used for your integrated development environment, version control systems and continuous integration solutions. You could want to control how frequently an action is executed, to target iterations per time type volumes. Once you are ready, you can select Create Device. If-Modified-Since Mon, 03 Jun 2013 08:58:40 GMT"" Possible values are the. Your code is broken. On the other hand, JMeter is more suitable for testing complex logic like those involving multiple message variants. gatling_1 | Loop Done, (tons of them) .get(https://server1/favicon.ico) It's gaining a lot of popularity these days with more than 3 million downloads in the last 3 years. .get(https://server1/userportal/resources/fonts/proximanova-regularitalic-webfont.woff) Cache-Control max-age=0"", Ive tried your reproducer and it works fine with gatling 2.2.1 (with the denvazh/gatling:2.2.1 docker image). It does not have its own solution, rather it integrates with your existing solutions. Various keywords are used to specify this statement in Gatling Simulations: For the purpose of this tutorial, we are going to simulate a different user behavior based on the category visited. Gatlings code is in Scala, a programming language for Java Virtual Machines (JVM). .headers(headers_23) 1 Answer. Choose any Load Type as per your requirement. To do so we are going to create two execution chains. You don't store anything in the Session, you populate a global var (and too late). Thank You! As you go through, you will see each step being recorded and entered below. ), val headers_22 = Map( Learn more about editing your LoadView scripts. .check( As the page loads in the browser, at the same time you can see that getting captured in Fiddler. .pause(14 milliseconds) Gatling and JMeter have distinct advantages. Why hasn't the Attorney General investigated Justice Thomas? Any error (a technical exception such as a timeout, or a failed check) in the wrapped chain would cause the virtual user to interrupt and start over from the beginning, up to a maximum number of times. .exec(http(request_46) .check( Put the current product ID in the session. ) It is always good practice to generate your load from the country, or regions, where your website or applications are used the most. ), .exec(http(request_1) I eventually want to find the "max" button value (by something I'll come up with later), and based on that use that button in subsequent requests. If-None-Match "40ecf-6df-4ddf06a75899f""" ) These cookies are used to collect information about how you interact with our website and allow us to remember you. gatling_1 | 12:24:24.756 [ERROR] a.a.ActorSystemImpl - Uncaught error from thread [] shutting down JVM since akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error is enabled .check( .check( .headers(headers_4) .pause(94 milliseconds) .headers(headers_22) There are a few other options we can change here, are marked as yellow below. For example, Gatling currently also ships JMS support. How to improve a dynamic Virtual User by using loops, conditional statements and pauses? Pacing allows the load test to be even more realistic and simulate the time gap between two user sessions. .exec(http(request_39) Everything you need to run it is inside that folder. What kind of tool do I need to change my bottom bracket? Lets start by simulating the behavior of someone looking for a dog. .headers(headers_55) ) import assertions._, val httpConf = httpConfig Cache-Control max-age=0"", .repeat(2,DAY){

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